Adding an Audio File

JXplorer allows you to import an audio file into the directory, and export it using your system's file browser. You can also play the audio file from within JXplorer. All audio file formats can be imported; however, only the following formats can be played:



To add an audio file:


1.  Ensure that you are in Table Editor view.


2.  Select the entry in the Directory Information Tree (DIT) to which you want to add an audio file.


3.  Position the cursor in the Value column, alongside the attribute type audio.


4.  From the Audio dialog, click the Load button.


5.  Select the audio file that you want to import, and then click the Open button.


Note:  If you want to play the audio file, click the Play button. Click the Stop button to stop playing the audio file.


6.  Click OK.


7.  Click the Submit button to save the audio file to the directory.  


Related Topics

Adding an Attribute Value

Adding a Photo

Deleting an Attribute or Value

Editing an Attribute Value

Setting Generalized Time

Using the Postal Address Editor


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