Copying an Entry
This option allows you to copy an entry, or a subtree, to another location in the Directory Information Tree (DIT).
To copy an entry or a subtree:
1. From the Directory Information Tree (DIT), select the entry, or parent of the subtree that you want to copy.
2. Do one of the following:
on the Button Bar
From the Edit Menu, choose Copy
Right-click the parent entry in the DIT, and then select Copy from the drop-down list
Press Ctrl + C
3. From the Directory Information Tree (DIT), select the parent entry under which you want to insert the entry. For example, if you want to insert the entry in the Administration Department, select Administration.
Warning! This procedure copies the selected subtree AND all entries. If you want a dialog to appear before a change to the directory is implemented, see Setting the Safety Mode.
4. Do one of the following:
on the Button Bar
From the Edit Menu, choose Paste
Right-click the parent entry, and then select Paste from the drop-down list
Press Ctrl + V