Adding a User Password
The User Password Data dialog allows you to add or change a user password. The dialog appears when you select the userPassword attribute type in the Table Editor.
Note: Access to a record is controlled via the access control settings in the directory's configuration file; therefore, you do not have to enter the existing password before changing it.
To add or change a password:
1. Ensure that you are in Table Editor view.
2. Select the entry in the Directory Information Tree (DIT) to which you want to add or change a password.
3. Position the cursor in the Value column, alongside the attribute type userPassword.
4. From the User Password Data dialog, click the Change button.
5. Enter the password in the Enter Password text box.
6. Re-enter the password in the Reenter Password text box, and click OK.
7. Click the Submit button to save the password to the directory.