Resolving Aliases While Browsing

Aliases are similar to shortcuts and are used in some directories to link different parts of the tree. When you browse the directory, you can choose whether to follow these links and view all of the entry details, or the details of the alias entry, that is, where the alias entry points.


For example, if you create an alias entry under Human Resources for Paul Smith in Marketing, and you select Resolve Aliases While Browsing, when you select Paul’s alias entry under Human Resources, you will see all of his details, just as if you had selected his entry under Marketing. However, if you deselect Resolve Aliases While Browsing, when you select Paul’s alias entry under Human Resources, you will see the details of the alias entry, that is, cn=Paul SMITH, ou=Marketing, o=company, c=country.


To resolve aliases while browsing, from the Options Menu, select Resolve Aliases While Browsing. A tick appears alongside the option.


If you do not want to resolve aliases while browsing, from the Options Menu, deselect Resolve Aliases While Browsing. The tick is removed.

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